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JaroDesk Integration API

Incidents in the past 7 days

  1. Nov 04

    No incidents on this day.

  2. Nov 03

    No incidents on this day.

  3. Nov 02

    No incidents on this day.

  4. Nov 01

    No incidents on this day.

  5. Oct 31

    No incidents on this day.

  6. Oct 30

    No incidents on this day.

  7. Oct 29

    1. Dashboard Load Times

      Update: Final Update: The caching issue has been fully resolved, and everything is running smoothly. Thank you for your patience!

      Notice: We are currently experiencing delays in order updates when searching and loading dashboards due to a caching issue. Our team is actively working to resolve this, and we appreciate your patience as we work to restore real-time updates. Thank you for your understanding.